Sunday, 22 August 2021

TALIBAN ISSUE - 01: U.S & Talibans


* Eventhough, the U.S came to discipline the Talibans, what actually it had been doing either knowingly or unknowingly, was that it was the reason for the Taliban being upper hand now. 

* U.S have invested huge funds towards education and health in Afghanistan, and have earned a loyal set of considerable population of people, admiring and wanting to live an american life, and be true to U.S.

* But, such huge funds, have also been mishandled and grafted to various high level groups both within U.S and Taliban. Not to mention more have been stuffed by Afghan government also.

* What question lies now, is that, the global notion, that many democratic nations doesn't actually recognise Talibans, have now started to change. Countries are lining up to recognise Taliban regime at present to claim a share of their support towards it. 

* The 'Eurasian axis' of Russia, China & Taliban starting to imprint their domination have already been visible, and countries like Iran waiting for their bookings. But, does the people of Afghan wants it? 

* Many of us, confuse between, the state and the government. Governments are dynamic but state is static/permanent. What actually the people of Afghan (state of Afghan) wants is what matters here, rather than what all the countries are trying to set up. 

* A clash or misunderstanding between two sets of trio love story between U.S.-Taliban-Afghan and Afghan-Taliban-Russia seems to be evidently exposed. Previously when Afghan being under UK, Russia and US, the entire people seems to be 'encourage the invader' attitude, whereas now, the people wants an independent or somewhat free from huge power clashes. 

* The people of Afghan (State) and the government of Afghan (government) have never been in terms or in sink from the beginning. Similarly, the Talibans have never recognised the government of Afghan which have been in legitimate rule. So, the immicible state of People-Taliban-Government also plays a vital role.

* If, people have to be given importance to chose their government, then definitely the clash must be within Taliban & the government alone, rather than seeking aid of nations like Russia or U.S. Because on the whole, the involvement of these hegemonic powers have infact, tattered the morale of Afghan people. 

* U.S for instance, have been funding Afghan government as well as preventing Talibans, which on one hand proved to be effective, seeing the rise in literacy levels, women education and access to medicine, growing more than 45% before 20 years back. But, on the other side, the recognition laid on Taliban is definitely a leak in the tank. 

* U.S always prefer to respect the Taliban mindset not to recognise the Afghan government and have always held direct talks between U.S-Taliban neglecting Afghan government. U.S would have thought that gradually she could bring in Afghan by voicing for it on her behalf, but ultimately failed, by 'consistently undermining' the Afghan government. 

* All these boiled up to the moment, which gave the detonator in the hands of U.S to unleash the Talibans. In this aspect, both Trump & Biden administration have failed. First, Trump administration forced Ashraf Ghani government to release 5000 Talibans, knowing they were not ready to come to a peace deal at all. Secondly, Biden administration have 'pulled the rug under the Afghans' sensing that it has tremendous impact on U.S both financially and politically. It is like sending someone into the tiger's cage having the control in our hands, and suddenly letting it off, sensing that if he died we would be responsible. 

* Knowingly or unknowingly, it was the U.S which is the reason to continuously spoon-feed Afghan government, at the same time giving time for the Talibans to 'get recognised', and giving their prisoners also back to them, and expecting a peace by stopping to feed them. The people of Afghan are the end receiver of this failure. Yet, a considerable section of people of Afghan are strong to be loyal to U.S and dream to living the american life someday or other, which infact is happening now, thanks to U.S atleast accepting the people as refugees as of now. 

Saturday, 14 August 2021

What is a true Independence day?

 In India, celebrating Independence day have been a day of holiday, distribution of sweets and watching movies in tv alone, rather than the realisation of what true independence mean.

- Independence of whom? What? A Nation? What is the definition of a Nation? Is a Nation living entity? 

Never! For a Nation to be independent, the citizens of its nation should be independent of their minds, from the clutches of superstitions, regressive mindset, pseudo modernisation & pseudo science. But, do we agree with it? 

- The people of this nation have infact more inclined towards superstitions, pseudo science and becoming narrow minded day by day with increasing number of violence against weaker sections of the society, and huge polarisation been found. Is this what called independence? Is the people independent? NO! 

- Government & State are different, either the government should be satisfied or the people should be satisfied with the prevailing policies. But now, legislative, executive and judicial wings are not independent. Also the state which is nothing but the people, are also not satisfied and independent, then why should we celebrate this day if both the government and the state is not independent. 

- Independence of a Nation means, it's citizens should be independent financially, socially, politically and be able to exercise their right to freedom of speech & expression, which is now diminishing. We cannot simply post status or wishes, leaving our fundamentals enshrined in the constitution

- A Nation is not a living entity to be revered, rather the people of the Nation does, Majority of the Nation is not satisfied with this kind of autocratic rule, inspite of which, simply celebrating for namesake is nothing less than selling our rights. 

- Then what is a true Independence? “When your inner emotions are not monitored , guided ,influenced or derived by the outside things around you “

The ultimate goal of a human life is to experience the state of happiness, blissfulness, ecstasy and to stay in that state all the time.

But does it really happen ..?? NO . it does for a while and get effaced the next moment.

After doing whole lot of things , still we feel miserable, we crib about traffic , government ,people , almost everything.

Because our Inner emotions i.e. happiness, sorrow, faith,mercy,jealous,love etc. are dependent upon the things outside .It is confined in the cage of outside events . We can not make this world act as per our will, can we?

In a nutshell , when we will be happy and when we will be miserable is not independent, not in our control.

- Do we have such an independent mindset now? Think and then celebrate this day.