Wednesday 14 September 2022

Rights & Duties of Lay person(Laity) in Catholic Church

1. Lay person in Ministry: * Acolyte: * Exorcist: * Lector /Reader: * Ostiarius /Porter: 2. Lay person in councils in church: * Can be a member of any councils in administration of their parish 3. Lay person in media 4. Lay person in clericalism
- Can a laity bless? • The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Every baptized person is called to be a 'blessing' and to bless. Hence lay people may preside at certain blessings; the more a blessing concerns ecclesial and sacramental life, the more its administration is reserved to the ordained ministry (bishops, priest, deacons)" • Catholic church says blessings are two types; i). Invocative: Invocation of divine mercy, blessing, sanctification, through prayers by the gifts of Holy spirit, invocating through God the father, son and holy spirit. It is reversible and not permanently giving a designation. Laity can perform these. ii). Contitutive: Permanently depute persons or things to Divine service by imparting to them some sacred character. Only priests can do. • The blessing of a layperson upon another, such as a parent blessing a child, is an act of goodwill whereby the person implores God’s aid for the person; the value of this blessing in the eyes of God depends upon the person’s individual sincerity and sanctity • In all, in bestowing His own blessing, God declares His goodness. We in turn bless God by praising Him, thanking Him for all of His benefits, and offering to Him our service, adoration, and worship. When we invoke God’s blessing, we implore His divine beneficence, trusting that He will respond to our needs. • Another example recommended by the Book of Blessings is the blessing of a newly engaged couple by both sets of parents. Laypeople may also use a suggested prayer of blessing when moving into a new home, although more commonly the parish priest is invited to mark that joyful event.,the%20church%20and%20the%20bishops.

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