Sunday, 28 February 2021

Difference between Signature & Initials

 * Signature is a complex individual identity of full name which only that person can sign in that same slang, writing curvature and handwriting. Whereas initial could mean any person of that same initial. So depending upon the importance of document signature and initial used. 

* Signature is a 'Sign of acceptance' of any contract or document, whereas Initial is a 'Sign of recognition' alone. 

Ex: If a document of pages given to approve, every page must be initailled at the end to show you have read/recognised that page and must signature only at the end to accept the document as a whole.

* Very important documents definitely requires a signature like property transfer, banking etc and not initial, whereas initial is enough for simple sign of recognition like courier, gas, electricity etc

* In legal aspect, both Signature & Initial are 'equally legal' and bound to. But, in case of any forgery or claim of forgery, signature prevails. If no signature, it's not accepted in a problematic situation, because anyone can have similar initials and sign it. So, in case of legal problem only 'Signature prevails'

Bible Emergency Numbers


📖 *_Bible Emergency Numbers_*:📖
Do dial it ☎📞... Do read it...📖😊

☎📞 When in sorrow, call *John 14*

☎📞 When men fail you, call *Psalm 27*

☎📞 When you have sinned, call *Psalm 51*

☎📞 When you worry, call *Matthew 6:19-34*

☎📞 In danger, call *Psalm 91*

☎📞 When God seems far away, call *Psalm 139*

☎📞 When your faith needs stirring, call *Hebrews 11*

☎📞 When you are lonely and fearful, call *Psalm 23*

☎📞 When you grow bitter and critical, call *1 Cor 13*

☎📞 You feel down and out, call *Romans 8:31-39*

☎📞 You want peace and rest, *Matthew 11:25-30*

☎📞 When the world seems bigger than God, call *Psalm 90*

☎📞 When you want Christian assurance, call *Romans 8:1-30*

☎📞 When you leave home for labor or travel, call *Psalm 121*

☎📞 When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call *Psalm 67*

☎📞 When you want courage for a task, call *Joshua 1*

☎📞 When you think of investments/ returns, call *Mark 10*

☎📞 How to get along with fellowmen, call *Romans 12*

☎📞 For great invention/ opportunity, call *Isaiah 55*

☎📞 For Paul's secret to happiness, *Col 3:12-17*

☎📞 For idea of Chrisitanity, call *2 Cor 5:15-19*

☎📞 Feeling Depressed, call *Psalm 27*

☎📞 To be fruitful, call *John 15*

☎📞 If your pocketbook is empty, call *Psalm 37*

☎📞 Losing confidence in people, call *1 Cor 13*

☎📞 If people seem unkind, call *John 15*

☎📞 If discouraged about your work, call *Psalm 126*

☎📞 If you find the world growing small and you great, call *Psalm 19*

"Wedding ring (or) Mangalsutra?" - A Christian perspective/advise to another Christian in Marriage


"Wedding ring (or) Mangalsutra?" - A Christian perspective/advise to another Christian in Marriage

I). Mangalsutra:(Hindu tradition)

• Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna
kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam”

• Though this mantra (hymn) is attributed to Hindu marriage ceremony that is chanted while tying the Mangalsutra, but the fact is it is not a mantra, and it is a promise sort whose meaning is as under:

“This is a sacred thread. This is essential for my long life. I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes may you live happily for a hundred years“

• This practice is also an integral part of a marriage ceremony as prescribed by Manusmriti

• The groom ties the auspicious thread around the bride’s neck on the day of their holy nuptial as significance that their relationship would be as auspicious as the thread. It symbolises that they will be mates for life until death separates them. A mangalsutra is a symbol of marriage and the wife is meant to wear it all her life indicating the love and commitment the husband and wife have towards each other. South Indians believe that the mangalsutra needs to be tied in 3 knots with each knot carrying a significance – loyalty towards the husband, dedication to the family, and devotion to the lord

II). WEDDING RING:(Christians)

* Wedding ring symbolises the ever-ending circle of ring of love and faithfulness of both as an individual Christians and dedicated to a Christian life, and honestly raise their Children as such, promising all the necessary self declarations.

Roman Catholic Church:
"Name., take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Because the equality of the spouses is emphasized in the Roman Catholic Sacrament of Marriage, generally the bride and groom each give to the other a wedding ring and recite the above formula in turn.

• Judaism:
"You are consecrated to me with this ring according to the law of Moses and Israel." In Orthodox Judaism, only the groom declares this in Hebrew; but in Reform Judaism, both the bride and groom declare it.[34] Many Orthodox Jewish men do not wear wedding rings.

• Anglican (Book of Common Prayer):
"Bless, O Lord, this ring to be a sign of the vows by which this man and this woman have bound themselves to each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen... I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit


* The hindu tradition of marriage does not recognise the equality of women with men, rather the subjugation of her. The focus remains in the over hyped sentiment of the 'mangalsutra' tied on her neck alone. A love between a husband and his wife, must display a sense of understanding, which rely on faith on God Almighty alone. It is in front of him, alone they have promised to be husband-wife. Not like the element of fire or a brahmin involved in it. Moreover the sanskrit slogans uttered by brahmins are not understandable by most of us. How can you involve in a relationship taking oath or promise in a language which you not at all understand. The premise on which the marriage is built is important. God Almighty, father of heaven and earth have established an institution of marriage, a sacrament which in his presence we have promised to treat her/him equal, to stand by her/him, to respect the bond of love made by God and approved by him, which if anyone tries to break, will infuriated God and would amount to disrespecting him. Only when we do a marriage, which recognises the promise or sacrament of God, and essentially places God as the orgin & witness of the marriage, then any Christian who fear the Lord, will think before infuriating him, by disrespecting her wife or trying to break the bond of marriage. This will also avoid adultery which is strictly prohibited in a Christian marriage whereas second marriage is not a big problem in a hindu marriage. So, ultimately the focus of such a hindu marriage always is male worshipping, lethargic in adultery, percolation of brahminism into the marriage relationship finally ending up loving some mangalsutra /object instead of realising that the real treasure is the companion whom God have given and to treat him/her equal. In Tamil culture also, the mangalsutra is not at all found in any phases of our civilization, rather suddenly have appeared as a symbol of wealth & social background, where a poor ties a pathetic turmeric knot whereas a rich and affluent ties a golden chain, within which itself there is a pattern and structure according to particular caste and sub-castes in Tamilnadu. In an object, a simple non living object, itself this much of inequality is seen means, followed by all sorts of inequalities in their lives also, portrays the brahminism evidently seen in lives of poor and pathetic ignorant people called hindus. If they are happy being subjugated let them be. Periyar have clearly objected to such nonsense in a marriage. I do not fully adhere periyar, but as a Christian, definitely a mangalsutra must not be the center of attraction for wealth, social affluence, inequality, adultery promoting and be a sign of slavery to brahminism. Then, why do we need a wedding ring? Yes i say we don't need a wedding ring too.. God's blessings and sacraments are invisible but long lasting. It does not need a mangalsutra or even a wedding ring too, but yet we can go for a ring, it's simple, both of us wear the same and there is no inequality in any form, and here the ring is just a symbol of marriage, not a symbol of wealth, social affluence and caste, rather if your a Christian, then a single plain wedding ring is more than enough. 

• A Complete guide to a proper Christian-Judaism marriage with all meanings from the Bible:
- First Bridegroom enters the church
- Then Bride comes with her Father, who gives his daughter
- All necessary self declarations by both to Priest
- Exchange of wedding rings as the symbol of marriage rather than tie a mangalsutra which is a tradition mentioned in manusmriti
- Holding right hands together and promise
- Cutting of cake


- Whether a ring or mangalsutra is entirely a personal opinion to choose. In this article, in specifically tell this to Christians alone. It is like a self reformation article and other community need not be offended of it. 

- A Christian marriage, must be based on "trust in God" and "fear of breaching his promise done in front of him". It does not have a virtual symbol or object to be placed in front, like a mangalsutra or even a ring. I agree that, a symbol which always remind us of the bond we are is necessary, but a mangulsutra is not an option, rather a ring can be as I've justified before. 

- Even a ring too is not to be the focus of marriage, rather the 'Holy Spirit' who guides us always, must be the guide, evidence and the symbol of our marriage. Does the Holy Spirit have a form? Do we need to remind him in a form like ring or a chain? No!! The Holy Spirit acting as a symbol of marriage, done before God Almighty, fearing not to breach the promise or bond of marriage, because of love of God also, is the key factor here. If you go for a mangalsutra, either to choose to make that marriage between two humans, with element of fire and brahminical process as witness, whereas when we keep the 'Holy Spirit' who is within our hearts, it would be the witness, guide and symbol of two humans engaged in a bond, promised in front of God Almighty, being the bond between Husband, Wife & God also. Such is a perfect Christian marriage. 




1. God Reigns over All Things.
Since God is the Creator of everything, He reigns over all things. His role as Creator God establishes His authority over the earth and all of His creation

2. Sin Challenged God’s Authority over His Kingdom.
Scripture speaks of Satan’s rebellion against God, which consequentially led to the institution of the fallen angel’s establishment of a counterfeit kingdom on earth

3. God Promises a Kingdom.
Though sin now permeated mankind, God called out a people for Himself to bless, through Abraham. Through a covenant, God promised that through Abraham, He would reestablish His kingdom authority on earth

4. God Shows His Standard of Holiness (10 Commandments) within His Kingdom.
After Israel escapes from Egypt, God establishes a covenant with His people at Sinai. He reveals His name to Moses as I AM, establishing His character as the All-Sustaining One

5. God Foreshadowed His Kingdom on Earth.
God promised David that someone from his family would always sit on the throne of Israel
The anointed king of Israel was to be a righteous king who set a standard by which the nation was to live. It is through this king that God would express His rule in Israel. Even though Israel’s kings were unfaithful and lost their throne because of their unfaithfulness, God maintained a futuristic messianic promise

6.  The Kingdom of God was established on earth when Jesus Christ came into the world.

7. The Kingdom of God is to Be Received. Jesus uses a child to illustrate our dependency by which we are to rely on Christ for our entrance into the kingdom. Philippians 2 illustrates Christ’s exceptional obedience. He traded His every heavenly right for a crown of thorns, so we might freely receive salvation. In exchange, the Risen King was given the right to be called Lord.

8. Entrance into the Kingdom of God Requires Belief and Repentance
Repentance and belief in Christ leads a person to a spiritual birth that guarantees entrance into the kingdom (John 3:3-5). As a believer, the kingdom of God resides within us (Luke 17:21). When Jesus taught that the kingdom was within the believer, His intent was to teach the believer of the new spiritual realm in which the person now lived. The Church is a part of the kingdom of God but is not the totality of His Kingdom.

9. The Kingdom of God is Mysterious.
Jesus teaches on the mysteries of the kingdom of God through parables in the New Testament. Matthew 13 introduces a different form of the kingdom that had not been revealed in the Old Testament. Through these parables, Jesus teaches about a spiritual reign of Christ after He is absent from earth, before His second coming. In this chapter, the hearers learn that this age will encompass those who will believe as well as those who will not (13:11-23).

The second parable shows how there will be a time of judgment that separates believers from non-believers (13:24-30). The parable of the mustard seed describes the kingdom of God as a movement of believers that will start small, but then experience rapid growth. The kingdom of God (the kingdom of heaven) looks the opposite of how the world expects. Jesus teaches in the Beatitudes about the blessings the poor, merciful, hungry, and humble will receive in heaven. Those who suffer on earth will be rewarded in heaven. Even though we may not understand everything about the Kingdom, we trust the Teacher

10. The Kingdom of God has Implications for Believers Today.
As believers of Christ, we are to worship Him as Lord. Acknowledging Christ as Lord is in effect recognizing his reign. We are to live out His teaching and live in anticipation of His return. When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, part of the directive was to pray that God’s kingdom would come into full fruition on earth:

Matthew 6:10: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

While the Kingdom of God has been established on earth, it has not yet been made complete. There is a future coming of the kingdom at the end of the age that has yet to happen. We are to pray for the coming of the fullness of God’s kingdom. As members of God’s kingdom, through Christ, we are ambassadors of God on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20). Our role as ambassadors is to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to others. This is our Great Commission.


The first is that I realize that I am not the author of my drama. Rather, I am only a small player in God’s great story. This drastic shift in mindset makes me reprioritize my goals and scheduling. Prestige and popularity no longer seem important when I keep in mind God’s Sovereignty and Christ’s redemptive work on the cross.

Also, with a Kingdom mindset, I find that my trust in God is more secure than it once was. I see how God has worked throughout time to guard over the world and to redeem His people. His loving and just character allow me to realize that He will see His plans through. I can trust in His plans for me no matter what.

Finally, understanding the Kingdom of God leaves me with a sense of urgency and a challenge to tell others about Christ. God’s patience with us will not last forever and at some point, Christ will return. His second coming will not be to redeem, but to judge. Because we do not know the day or time, we are to use our time wisely to help others receive the kingdom through faith in Christ.

Monday, 15 February 2021

"Of Course! English language is good.."


"Of Course! English language is good.."

1. English is Flexible. Only language to have less rules & more exceptions is English. We must be somewhat flexible to adapt to new changes & update at the same time hold on to certain high values deemed to be cherished.

2. Read, Listen, Speak & Write(RLSW) English atleast for some minutes daily compulsory

3. "Attitude matters": 

Right or Wrong, Speak boldly.  There is no levels in speaking of English, because it entirely matter of confidence. Start to speak confidently even if it is wrong & you will surely end up being confident, speaking right also. It shows that, being confident in what we do will improve us gradually.

4. "Use it or Lose it": 

Learn a new word each week. Use that word within that week in any form daily to get used to its meaning. This is the best way to learn vocabulary well and use it strongly in speaking regularly. This shows that we must make use of whatever we have to improve it. 

5. "Don't fear of making mistakes": 

While speaking, move on even if you make a small mistake. Because people will understand the bigger picture(meaning) of what it is. It's also similar to character of the English. You make a mistake, the best thing is to keep moving on not to make it next time, rather than stopping and worrying about the mistake we did.

6. "Speaking English is Teaching English": 

Speaking English means we are teaching English to someone who listens to us. Yes, we can learn English 'quickly' through Listening & 'strongly' through Reading. 

7. " Speak for yourself": 

The best way to learn is combine speaking & listening together. 

Speak a passage loudly, so that you can hear yourself. Practise, and this would improve both speaking & listening skills. 

Another example of combination of listening & writing is taking notes while lecture. 

Another example of combination of reading, speaking and listening is while reading a passage loudly. 



( Importance of Global Tourism to Economy)

* INDONESIA: Nightlife, Shopping, Honeymoons

* THAILAND: Shopping, Nightlife, Buddhism

* DOMINICA: Natural beauty, forests, boiling lakes

* JAMAICA: Food, Resort, Snorkeling & honeymoon

* TANZANIA: Safaris, Wildlife, Kilimanjaro mount

* UGANDA: Safaris, Wildlife, Reserve forests

* SEYCHELLES: Beaches, Coral reefs, Lagoon,Turtle & Tortoise watch, Snorkeling & Scuba diving

* ST VINCENT: Tiny small palm islands with resort

* ST KITTS AND NEVIS: Fortress, Volcanic peaks & Train scenic tour

* ST LUCIA: Hiking, Trekking, Mall shopping centres & government offices

• Mexico City: Bars and Mexican cuisine
• Cancun: Nightlife, Mexican cuisine, Zipling, Snorkeling and Lagoons
• Puerto Vallarta: Nightlife, Mexican cuisine, Zipling, Whale watching

* RUSSIA: Historic buildings, museums, Ballots, Architectural wonders, forts, Cathedrals, places & Churches

* MAURITIUS: Beaches, Dolphins, Kitesurfing, Snorkeling, Lagoons, Romantic Honeymoon sites

* HUNGARY: Budapest, Cathedrals, Castles, museums,  Wineyard & wineries, Abbeys & Monastries

* HONG KONG: Chinese cuisine, Bars, Markets, Shopping malls, Luxury goods purchase

* MACAU: Macanese cuisine, Casinos, Shopping, Luxury goods purchase

* ICELAND: Watch Aurora,Sunset and whales in Husavik, Viking history, Icebergs & glaciers

* JAPAN: Hiroshima Memorial, Nagasaki Bomb Museum, Shibuya nightlife

* COMOROS: Mosque, Beachview bungalows, Beaches

* CAMEROON: Museum, Maritime museum, Safaris, Wildlife, Ecotourism

• Paris: Eiffel tower, Lovre, Cafes, Monuments, museums, Food, Cathedrals, Shopping & River cruise
• Nice: Sceneries
• Bourdeux: Wine making & market
• Strasbourg: Food, Christmas market & Trolleys
• Cannes: Film festival
• Mont St.Michael: Monasteries & Castles
• Camargue: Bullfighting

• Madrid: Prado Museum of art, Royal Palace
• Ibiza: Nightclubs
• Benidorm: Dolphin shows, Nightlife
• Mijas: Bullfighting, Wine

• Zermatt: Ski resort
• Lauterbrunnen: Swiz alps and villages
• Engelberg: Mount titlis, Skiing, Alpine trail
• Switzerland National Park
• Meiringen: Skiing, hiking and ski resort

• Santorini: White washed village shaped of volcanic landscape suited for honeymoons
• Mykonos: Beaches & Nightlife
• Rhodes: Archeological monuments and Nightlife
• Delphi: Apollo archeological sites

• Berlin: Wall
• Cologne:  Perfumes, Cathedrals, Old town & arts
• Dresden: Palace, Museums
• Blackforest: Hiking, Waterfalls and castles
• Stuttgart: German cuisine, Trolleys, beer & Car museums(Mercedes Benz, Porsche museums)
• Schonau am Konigssee: Hiking, Sliding, Paragliding

* UAE:
• Dubai: Observation desk, Desert safaris, Nightclubs
• Abu Dhabi: Desert, Bars
• Palm Jumaira: Island with Luxury hotels

• Melbourne: Arts, Museums, Gardens
• Cairns: Coral reefs, Great Barrier Reef gateway and rainforests
• Kangaroo Island:  Wildlife and wine tasting

* U.K:
• London: Buckingham Palace, Museums, Street food, Pubs.
• Edinburgh: Christmas market, Harry Potter, Whiskey, Military tattoo, Trolleys, Ceilidh
• Bath: Spa, Hot spring baths, Sunday roast
• Glasgow: Music venues, Pub, Whiskey
• Belfast: Titanic museum
• Manchester: Shopping mall, Concerts and Christmas market
• Snowdonia National Park
• Birmingham: Industrial sites
• Cambridge: College
• City of London: Business city
• Westminster:  Abbey, Palaces, Church and clock tower, Big Ben, Trafalgar & Parliament
• Bournemouth: Nightlife
• Windsor: Castle
• Canterbury: Medieval city with Cathedral

• Toronto: Bar and Concerts
• Vancouver: Recreation, Fireworks and whales
• Montreal: Circus
• Banff: Skiing and film Festival
• Niagara falls

* U.S.A:
• Newyork: Bar, Concerts and shopping
• San Francisco: Bar, Concerts and Museum
• Los Angeles: Nightclubs, Concerts and Museum
• Las Vegas: Nightclubs, Bars, Casino, Haunted house, Ziplining
• Washington DC: Historic sites
• Miami: Cuban cuisine, Nightlife 

Thursday, 11 February 2021





• Many Christians consider politics as something which is not to be involved with or irrelevant to 'spiritual responsibilities' of a Christian

• But, the fact is God will 'choose' persons to engage or involve in politics to whatever degree he wants from us to be done in order to serve the kingdom of God. 

• Here I would like to enlighten the entire Christian community irrespective of any denomination to involve in politics upto the extend God want us to. 

• Not everyone are chosen to be a State Leader, but it will add to God's advantage when a discipline or follower of God becomes a leader, whatever the hierarchy maybe. 


• There are 3 main views from God's perspective to us to do related to politics either directly or indirectly. They are;

i). "God calls and uses political leaders"

ii). "God is calling us to participate in politics"

iii). "We must serve our highest authority (God)"


i). "God calls and uses political leaders":

• God uses political leaders who understand the will of God and coordinate with God in all aspects of the rule. 

• God gave the ability to interpret Pharoah's dream to Joseph who was exciled as slave

• God gave the ability to learn all literature, wisdom & understanding to decode a dream or vision in coordination with God. This is an unique ability of a promising political leader. Even now, it is relevant that, a political leader must be capable of analysing current situations based on past experiences and able to interpret or predict the future trend in any/one/all field of expertise especially politics.

• God also uses leaders to oppose him. In history whoever opposed Christians have finally realised it is wrong, and that the Christians keep on rising only when they are oppressed. Ex: Pharoah, Herod, Saul

ii). "God is calling us to participate in politics":

• God calls us to be 'Salt & Light in their culture' in our culture. That means we have to blend with our culture in order to progress it and cleanse it towards God's will.

• Ways To Participate: Vote, Engage, Serve & Intercede.

Voting is the basic right & duty of a Christian, and is a beginning of our 'social responsibility' part of 'spiritual responsibility'. Pray to God to whom to vote 

• Engage yourself into politics of your nation, for the glory of God. Engaging can be in any form of basic volunteering to leadership positions. But, at any point of time, remember the 'highest authority we serve is God alone' 

• Serve the people through taking up tasks whichever maybe like Executive or Judicial or Legislative way. By doing so, we represent the people's hardships to the government and act as bridge to render solutions from government for the betterment of the society 

• Intercede for the political leaders who rule the Nation. Intercede that they may rule directly or indirectly for the will of God and betterment of the society 

• We Christians cannot be reluctant about politics especially, because God says this, " the welfare of the city where I sent you into exile & pray to the Lord on it's behalf, for in it's welfare you will find your welfare", thereby advocating a 'welfare state' by interceding to God

iii). "We must serve our highest authority (God)":

"Let every person be subjected to governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted but God" in Romans

"For this is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their fulltime to governing" in Romans

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" in Romans

"'Honor' the emperor, but 'fear' only God" by Peter

"We must obey God rather than men" in Acts 

•  All these Bible verses tells us that, there is a clear distinction between responsibilities towards God & that towards emperor. Because, every emperor or a state leader is someone not alien to the world, but rather serve God's will alone, either for God or even against God, that God's will may prevail by their rule, whoever it maybe a Stalin or Hitler or Obama.


i). God's role in government:

"When governments fear, follow, serve and obey the Lord, 'it will be well'. When governments disobey & rebel against God's good plans, the hand of Lord will be against you and your kings" in Samuel clears us that governments and leaders have to fear the Lord and rule according to his will, but when they go against his will, God would ruin them and wage war on behalf of the people, so people need not have to oppose the governments if they do wrong, since there is a living God who watches everything and judges the leaders. 

ii). Politicians role in government

"For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad" tells us we don't need to fear the politicians rather make use of them precisely 

"..he is God's servant for your good" which means anyone who is in rule, he could have came through wrong means or anyway, he came to leadership only by God allowing him to do so. Nothing goes against God's calculation/his will. If he does good, he may sustain if he goes wrong he would fall for sure, because it is God who rules the people, not these leaders. 

iii). Our role in government

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor" that we have to be socially concerned, not reluctant 

"Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all destitute" means we have to voice against injustice, inequality, evil deeds which affect the people and be a voice for the voiceless

" the welfare of the city where I sent you into exile & pray to the Lord on it's behalf, for in it's welfare you will find your welfare" tells us welfare the nation we live must be focused and worked towards it. It's our duty because it was God who have given us this nation to live upon. 


• Every Christian is destined to involve into politics, but the 'degree of involvement' may vary from God's will, our ability and environmental aspects.  So, it is advisable that we engage ourselves to politics to whatever extend we could, the magnitude is not important. 

• If God wants you to be authoritative, coordinate with God & rule for the welfare of people, then he will bless all necessary requirements like knowledge, wisdom, authoritative ability and guide us to fulfill his will.

• If God wants you to be active & volunteer for the will of God, similarly he would provide everything needed for it. 

• If God wants us to be passive & do the very basic duty of 'voting' alone, is also a contribution and God would guide us, through prayers. 

'Voting' is the minimum contribution every Christian compulsorily have to do, inorder that we recognise who God wants to rule us. But, that voting requires certain things we have to consider before. 

- avoid decisions based on tradition, stereotypes, emotions & pride

- make decisions that value the kingdom of God more than the kingdom of man

- 'both 'moralizing the society' or 'politicizing the church' can never be a solution to world's issues

- the world does not change from outside, but from inside out, any change we need to see in the society has to be introduced from us. When we do it, our family do it, when family do, societies do it, when societies do, nation do it

• "But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"  tells us that, times may change, policies may change, politics may change, but first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and apply them accordingly.